About Me

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Half way up a mountain, Utah, United States

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Now I am here

Finally! Internet access. What a hassle this is proving to be. I have just posted my blogs so far, although it seems I have lost one, entitled "in the beginning". So if anyone has seen it? It is kind of important as it explains my trip over and how I ended up being on my own here, without Curt.

I have posted this question/problem on the forum, so I am hoping that some clever person will have an answer and I can retrieve this blog ASAP.

But for now I have lots of stuff to do other than blogging. Can't wait to tell you about my epic Day Two, so stay posted. You are all going to have to be patient with me regarding postings because it seems as though this Ipad does not pick up wifi signals very easily. And I still don't have the data plan working properly - off to Truro now to try and sort this out.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:St Ives,United Kingdom


  1. Hi Ali,
    I'm following and very happy for you. It looks beautiful.
    Don S.

  2. Hi Ali!!
    Great to be able to track you and your thoughts like this! Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you. Keep smiling.
    Lol Mel and the Eggs x

  3. Did you see the man with seven wives? (That's all I know about St. Ives).

  4. I'm really loving your blog--it's like I get to experience England vicariously through you! The pictures are awesome. What beautiful scenery.

