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Half way up a mountain, Utah, United States

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A summer of achievements

I have decided not to go to John O'Groats. Scotland is a big and beautiful country and not to be hurried through. I shall leave this for another day. Perhaps for a time when I can enjoy it together with Curt.

A bike seems burdensome and after spending so long in isolation on the trails I am not convinced that I want to be riding along side traffic.

John O'Groats was merely a target and gave me a framework and a foundation for this summer. It isn't necessary to get there because my real goals have already been achieved.

I have nothing more to prove to myself at this point in time.

I have reconnected with my place of birth and I have done more than a little walking.

My self confidence has been revived, I trust my decision making and know that I am worthy.

My health is superb and no longer in doubt

I know what makes me happy and feeds my soul. I know I require contrasts in my life and to follow my dreams.

I have accepted that everything physical about my parents and my life with them is now gone. But memories remain and their legacy lives on within my sisters and I.

I now have a new relationship with Britain, founded on my childhood but reshaped by my newer experiences. I know my love for this country is real and deep and that I do want to return as soon as able, to live here and have ideas on how that could work.

Can you believe I have achieved so much just by walking for two months? This summer has been all I could ever ask for.

My new goal will be to maintain this happiness and new found fitness and to carry it over into my "real life".

I want to get back to my husband and son.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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